
wtorek, 3 marca 2009

Publikacje- Europejski Dziecięcy Kalendarz na rok 2009

Notatka na stronie naszej Gminy 

Kartki z kalendarza

Święta Narodowe- Anglia

 St. George's flag - the flag of England

 St. George's Day is on 23rd April.

Święto Narodowe- Estonia

February 24th

National flag

Święta Narodowe- Polska

11-November -National independence holy

3 May-Voting of Constitution

Święta Narodowe- Bułgaria

 Our national day -our freedom after 500 years under Turkish slavery.


"Shipka" monument is the symbol of our freedom.Like a gratitude to Russian soldier was build the church in foot of the mountains.

Święto Narodowe - Portugalia

 Camões was a man who wrote the History of Portugal in a book called "Os Lusíadas" and in the day of Portugal we celebrate the Camões's day and the all portugueses communities in all world...

Święto Narodowe- Malta

SPECIAL DAY 21st September 1964

 Armed Forces of Malta Guard of Honour gives a national salute to Maltese President Fenech Adami before a Mass at St John's Co-Cathedral to celebrate Victory Day in Valletta

Święto Narodowe - Grecja

25th March

Święto Narodowe- Włochy

The parada!

Fest della Repubblica-June 2

2 June

Święto Narodowe - Rumunia

1st December - the Romanian National Day

Rysunki do kalendarza z Wielkiej Brytanii

Rysunki do kalendarza z Grecji

Rysunki do kalendarza z Estonii